Open registration

The period of open registration is from Friday, December 1 to Tuesday, December 19 (i.e. December 19 until midnight).

How do I register?
Each participant must register personally. The option to order multiple tickets during free registration will no longer be possible!

We have made the free registration process easier. Anyone can indicate that they wish to qualify for a personal starting card and participate in the draw.

The PDF document below contains detailed instructions.

 Can I also register with others?
Yes, that's possible. What is new is that during free registration you can indicate that you want to register together with others. This means that you participate in the draw together. If you have been drawn, you will each order a card separately, but you will be placed in the same starting group. You can register up to a maximum of 10 people together.How this works is described in the instructions on this page (pdf document).

In other words: Register together = draw together = cycle together.

What happens next?
Participants who have been selected will be notified as soon as possible after December 19. With that message the ordering process can be started, you can purchase a card and pay immediately. This is possible until midnight on January 8, 2024.

In the ordering process there is a question whether the participant has taken note of the general terms and conditions and agrees to them. This question must be answered with 'yes'. The final step of the ordering process is the payment of the amount of € 28.00.If members of the group do not pay, they will be dropped from the group and will not receive a starting card.

What happens if I do not place an order and pay on time?
If you have not placed an order and purchased the card before January 8, the right to register expires. Your registration will then be drawn among those who were eliminated in the first round of draw.

How do I know if the order was successful?
After the order has been completed you will receive a confirmation by email. When you then go back to your account, you will see that a barcode is linked to your order. This will later be printed on your personal stamp card.

Please note: you have not yet been assigned to a starting group. This only happens when the stamp cards are printed. The stamp card that you receive at home contains your address details, a card number, your starting group and the barcode.

Do I need to do anything else?
No. The stamp card will be sent to everyone by post from May 1. If you receive the stamp card, you don't have to do anything anymore. Linking your barcode to your account is no longer necessary, because this has already been done with your order.

Can I still sell my stamp card for the Eleven Cities Cycling Tour?
Yes, that's possible. In the period from February 1 to April 1, you can transfer your card to someone else. See transferring card for more information. After this period you can no longer transfer the card to someone else.


Available documents

tekst vrije inschrijving
(186.37 KB)
freie anleitung
(189.44 KB)
free registration instruction
(171.01 KB)